Frequently Asked Questions






What? - The Zine and Independent Comic Symposium (ZICS) is a 3 day event featuring a launch evening and then a 2-day fair where people can sell and trade their zines and comics. There will be a range of events on during the days including workshops and panels.

What’s a Zine? - A zine is a self-published, independent publication. Usually they are produced in small numbers and can be about pretty much anything. Zines are a way for people to communicate and be creative in a self-empowering way free from bosses, editors, the need for large amounts of money or any other restriction that might prevent someone from publishing their works.

Where? - ZICS will be held at The Edge which is part of the State Library of Queensland. The venue has great facilities and is easy to get to via the Cultural Centre bus stop or South Brisbane train station. Stanley Place, Cultural Centre, Southbank

Why? - Brisbane, and Australia, has a large, talented group of writers and artists and we thought it was time to have an event in Brisbane that showcased such talents as well as allowing people to discover and learn more about zine and comic making.

Who? - ZICS is being organised by a group of passionate volunteers from the zine and comic communities. The ZICS Collective is not-for-profit and has been organising the event since last year to create a great community focused and run event that hopefully will become an annual Brisbane celebration of all things independently published.

How Much? - Entry to the 2-day fair will be free! We want as many as people as possible to come along, learn and interact and have a great time. The Friday night Launch event will be $20 for a ticket and will feature The Bedroom Philosopher and a range of fun, social activities. Some of the workshops and masterclasses may be ticketed due to limited places and may also have a fee attached. All funds raised go to cover costs and to reimburse guests time, knowledge and travel expenses.

Tables? - Tables can be secured through our Pozible page. Booking a table includes a ticket to the Friday night launch event. Before booking, please complete the following registration form and read the following information-

Workshops? - We are aiming to have a range of workshops from those new to zines and indie comics to those already in the community and looking to develop and expand your knowledge and skills. If you’d like to run a workshop or be involved in a panel then let us know! You can complete a registration form here below. Our program will be available soon!

Sponsor/Supporting ZICS? - If you’re a like-minded business, group or person who would like to support or sponsor ZICS please contact us via our email- [email protected] as we’d love to hear from you!

Pozible? - What’s Pozible? Pozible is a crowd-sourced funding platform. The most famous of these is Kickstarter. Pozible works on the same principles- as we’re a community event we can’t put on ZICS without your help, so in return for pledging an amount of money not only do you help us raise the funds we need but there is an additional reward for your help. These range from the small to the amazing. As ZICS is not for profit the money being raised effectively allows us to cover the basic costs such as venue hire, the performers for Friday night, security etc.

Food/Drink? - Friday night will have food and beer available thanks to the Brew Brothers. Saturday and Sunday there will be snacks and soft drinks available at The Edge’s little cantina and the SLQ’s nearby café.

Children? - ZICS is an all ages affair and will have an area catering to younger children. Many of the zines and comics however do feature adult content and responsibility is with parents to ensure their children are supervised at all times.

Haven’t answered your question? - Please feel free to send more specific questions/feedback/ideas/suggestions/enquiries to our email account- [email protected]


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